Monday 26 April 2010

Babylonian Epics and TV 'Buzzards' at the Ringwood Waldorf School

An ancient Babylonian epic was brought to life by pupils at the Ringwood Waldorf School, as an alternative to the more traditional Easter story.

Class 5 at the school took on the task of recreating the classic poem 'Gilgamesh and Enkidu' in their spring play, complete with Roman centurions and sword battles.

The theme of the play is death and man’s quest for eternal life - the reason why it was chosen as the school’s celebration of Easter.

It’s a busy few weeks at the Steiner school as they get ready for their traditional May Day complete with maypole dancing, as well as a visit by TV’s wildlife presenter Chris Packham on May 29.

He is due to be giving his popular talk ‘Never Mind the Buzzards’ at 7.30pm and proceeds from the public event will go towards the school’s development fund.

Tickets cost £15 and are available from Wimborne Tourist Information Centre on 01202 886116.

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