Thursday 27 May 2010

Silver surfers 'click' at The Arnewood School

More than 80 silver surfers ‘clicked’ at The Arnewood School during a community computer course run by pupils.

Mature students up to the age of 93 were shown by pupils at the New Milton secondary how to surf the internet, watch films, buy online, use email and write letters.

Many of the guests had never before used a computer and demand for the one-day course was so high, there were only enough places for about half of those wanting to take part.

More than six million over 65’s in Britain have never used the internet.

“It transforms their lives and isn’t rocket science,” said Alan Watson, from the New Milton Today community website, helping the pupils run the course.

“They can buy their groceries and books online, keep in touch with friends and family.

“If you don’t embrace it you won’t survive. So many documents now are only available online and you can only make small claims applications that way.”

Pamela Dalziell, 84, from Barton-On-Sea, was being shown the IT ropes by 12-year-old Chris Coleman.

The retired nurse said: “I’m a complete novice but want to learn how to look things up on the web. Computers are the ‘in thing’ and if you don’t keep up with trends you’ll get left behind.”

Retired taxi driver Brian Smoker from New Milton agreed.

“I hadn’t taken much interest until now but the way things are going you need to learn how to use them,” said the 78-year-old.

“I want to write letters and get onto the internet. It’s all very exciting.”

This is the third year the Gore Road school has run a silver surfers course but previous ones only had a handful of students.

This latest course is being backed by Hampshire County Council’s Silver Surfer programme.

Arnewood hopes to run another course in the future.

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