Thursday 12 May 2011

We're Outstanding!

“OUTSTANDING,” say government inspectors following their visit to a North Bournemouth primary school.

They have also taken Elmrise Primary out of ‘special measures’ two terms earlier than expected - impressed with its exceptional progress since the last Ofsted.

Children love learning, are well behaved and benefit hugely from Elmrise’s partnership with nearby Oakmead College of Technology sharing resources and specialist staff, says the report.

Leadership and management is good and, “the governing body has grown in strength…and is now very focused and rigorous in holding the school to account.”

Children in the school’s nursery and reception, “make outstanding progress and by the time they start Year 1 their attainment is above average,” say inspectors.

Although Key Stage 2 is judged as ‘satisfactory’, the report does stress the huge improvements driven by the staff, governors and the children to springboard it from the failing category so quickly.

“It is a rapidly improving school,” says the report.

“There has been a dramatic improvement in pupils’ attitudes to school and to learning,” says the report.

“Good teaching has been key to raising pupils’ attainment from low to broadly average.”

Inspectors also note Elmrise has the tools and motivation to improve even further.

Justine Brooks, head of Elmrise, said: “Our unique links with Oakmead means specialist teachers are working across both schools benefiting the children in PE, ICT and design and technology as well as helping the older children move up to the secondary.”

This ‘soft federation’ between both schools started last September and it is hoped this partnership will be further strengthened as a ‘hard federation’ from this autumn.

Executive head, Dr Annetta Minard, said: “Crucially, inspectors have recognised the exciting opportunities that are available in both schools through our successful partnership.”

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