Monday 21 February 2011

Standing up to shyness

SPEECHES, weddings and presentations hold no fear for these Arnewood sixth formers, who’ve become the first students at the school to qualify in public speaking.

To mark their graduation from course, the 11 students each gave speeches to an invited audience of New Milton dignitaries which included president of New Milton Rotary Club, John Witt, and deputy mayor Cllr Alan O’Sullivan.

The youngsters had chosen to take the new ten-week course at the Gore Road secondary in Hampshire, to see if they could overcome their stage fright.

Course designer and tutor, Clive Wren, said: “They went from very anxious and nervous young people to being able to get up on stage and address local VIPS and their peers.

“That is no mean feat. They triumphed. The skills they have learnt on this course will help them in every part of their lives to come.”

The teenagers were given five minutes each to deliver speeches on a range of educational issues, including higher education and going into employment after school.

Chris Hummerstone, head teacher at the Arnewood, said: “Improving self-confidence is key, but what is also important is how well young people present themselves when speaking at interviews or on other formal occasions.”

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